Lip and Tongue Ties
SERVICES » Lip & Tongue Ties
If your baby is frustrated at the breast or bottle, consistently hungry, gassy, spitting up, or struggling to gain weight, he or she may have a tongue- or lip-tie.
Older Children
Children with tongue- or lip-ties may experience speech difficulties, feeding challenges, and sleep issues.
How the procedure works:
After listening to your concerns and conducting a comprehensive assessment, we will help get to the root cause of the issues your child is experiencing. If a tongue- or lip-tie is the culprit, we will recommend a release, using a state of the art soft tissue laser.
This procedure causes little to no pain, minimal bleeding and the tissues heal well decreasing the risk of infection. Best of all, it is completed within a few minutes. Following the procedure, our specialists may recommend exercises to help restore a full range of motion and prevent the frenulum or tongue from reattaching.